
Posts Tagged ‘Laundry’

I’ve been making and using my own laundry soap for two years now.  I thought it was a good time to give an update.  I am still very happy with the soap, it cleans very well; is quick to make; and my cost is under 15.00 per year.  Many of my friends have tried it and liked it.

If you are not making your own soap, I hope you give it a try.

Here is a link to my original post. https://flourishnow.wordpress.com/2010/02/12/homemade-laundry-soap/.


– 1 cup grated Sunlight bar soap – about 1/2 a bar (cost 2.00 for 2 bars)

– 2 cups boiling water

– 1 cup Arm & Hammer washing soda (cost for one box about 5.00)

– 1 cup Borax (cost for one box about 5.00)

– 1 gallon of warm water (16 cups or 4.55 litres)


-grate 1 cup bar soap and melt in 2 cups boiling water, stir until melted

-once melted pour into big pot (I used a canning pot)

-add 1 cup washing soda and 1 cup Borax

-stir together – until dissolved

-add 1 gallon warm water (16 cups or 4.55 litres)

-stir until mixed well

-pour into empty laundry containers or a big pail

-use 1/4 cup per load – cold/warm/hot water

-shake or stir each time you use

One batch makes about 6 litres (roughly 1 1/2 US gallons) and costs about 2.00 per batch – maybe less.  You will have enough ingredients to make many batches. I filled a little more than 3 – 1.89 litre laundry jugs for less than a dollar per jug.  As you can see it is pennies per load. The batch may go gel like and clumpy, this is normal. Shake well with each use. Pre treat stains before washing.

–  sud less

– can be used in HE washer

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Ladies, are you line drying your laundry outdoors? It’s one of my favorite chores to do when the weather permits.  My clothes smell so nice and because I’m using home made soap , the scent is natural. You’ll also save money by not using the electric/gas dryer. Follow this link for a few tips about line drying.  For some of you it’s just ‘one more chore’.  I certainly can appreciate this because for a few years there just wasn’t extra time for me hang the laundry.  If you’re not living those busy days now, why not give line drying a chance. You’ll be pleased.

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Hello Ladies. Since leaving the big city for a simpler life in a small village, my sister has begun making her own cleaners. She found her recipes online and altered them according to her likes. Once she listed her  store bought kitchen and bathroom cleaners and she had 28  in total.  Her all purpose cleaners and laundry soaps are now replaced by 2 homemade products. Recently, she introduced me to homemade laundry soap.  I made my first batch of laundry soap in late January 2010. The day after making it, I used it. I was really surprised how nice my colors came out. My husband said his white t-shirts look whiter and my daughter believes her clothes are softer. I have had no concerns whatsoever with this laundry soap. My laundry looks great.  I am also saving so much money as it costs so little. I recently had a few friends over and we made some together. They are trying it for the first time. I am sure they will be very pleased. If you are not making your own soap, I hope you give it a try. Here are the instructions: (more…)

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