
Posts Tagged ‘meditation’

Sitting AreaWhen we replaced our 12′ by 32 ‘ deck last year I was so happy to set up this hidden  sitting spot.  In the morning, we love to sit out here to: have breakfast; read; and enjoy the sounds and scents of nature. Sometimes I practise meditation here.  An outdoor area is so easy to set up. I previously had the bistro table, bought the umbrella at a garage sale (5.00) and picked up the mat on sale (20.00).   The plants are on stands with rollers so I can wheel them around. Bamboo blinds are good for creating privacy also. I use them in another sitting area on our property. Because this area is not permanent, we take it down before the snow arrives.  I hope you give this a try if you aren’t enjoying your outdoor space.

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When my friend Carolyn greets me, she always looks intently into my eyes and usually touches me on my arm.  Her gaze is never broken by a noise or a passerby.  It is like shes connected with my soul.  At times, when I have walked with Carolyn, I’ve noticed that she’s really aware of her surroundings. She sees a delicate vine creeping along the ground; curious mold attached to the bark of a tree; or an interesting rock.  Things don’t seem to bounce off of her, she engages in all that she participates in. I’ve always found this fascinating about her and wondered how I could get some of this for myself.  I recently came to realize that Carolyn has cultivated mindfulness into her life.  Shes perfected paying close attention, on purpose, to one thing at a time.  I really want to have this quality in my life. I’m pretty sure that through my practice of meditation and my love of nature, I should get better at paying attention.  For others it may be through art,  music or contemplation.  Ladies, lets together get good at not drifting through life mindlessly. Have a superb day.

P.S. At times, when  I mention Carolyn’s name to my daughter Erin, she will say ‘oh, I love Carolyn’.

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The practice of deep breathing and meditation has been instrumental in keeping me healthy lately. With the recent loss of my mom, I’ve found it helpful in grieving. I’ve been diligently practicing both for a few weeks now.  When my yoga teacher stressed the importance of practicing deep breathing and meditation for as little as 10 minutes daily – I decided to give it an honest shot.  After a few weeks of daily practice, I noticed the benefits when I was able to easily dismiss a negative thought. I did not dwell on the thought or allow it to fester – I just let it go.  The act was so surprising to me that I wondered where this new behavior came from.  I realized it was a result of my meditative practice.  So far, deep breathing and meditation has helped me to better control my thoughts. I seem to dwell less on the negative and more on the positive. As a result, I have far more energy as I not exhausted by negative thoughts.  As I continue to meditate and see more benefits, I will share my experience with you.  Here is what I do:

Sometimes I lay flat on the floor with my legs about 8 inches apart and my arms wide open with palms up. Other times, I sit in a chair with my feet flat on the floor and my palms on my thighs.  I close my eyes.  I relax my body into the floor – if I’m lying down.  I deep belly breathe.  I concentrate on my breathing – visualizing it moving through my upper body.  As a thought enters my mind, I gently dismiss it and go back to visualizing my breathing. Sometimes I count to 4 on the inhale and then on the exhale. Other times I put in a relaxation CD, such as Solitudes, in order to keep my mind focused.  I deep breathe and meditate for 10 minutes to 30 minutes daily –sometimes several times a day.

At first meditation may seem boring, so be patient, that will pass with time. There are many books published about meditation. There are also many relaxation CD’s. I have borrowed a few of each from the public library. Find the ones that suite you. Begin to gain control of your mind and keep your body more healthy. Have a wonderful day. Linda


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