
Posts Tagged ‘elderly’

Man_on_a_bench__by_ZmashdI thought I would jump right in and make a quick post, ’cause I think you will like it. Today I was walking my dog when I noticed an elderly gentleman sitting on a nearby bench. I have chatted with this man in the past. We’d mostly talked about the city, the nearby plants and his late wife – whom he missed dearly. Today, I was on a tight schedule so I waved as I walked by. Then my instinct told me to go over and visit with him – just for a minute. I did. I greeted him and said it was good to see him again after the long winter. I introduced my dog, Jackson, as I didn’t have him the last time we talked in the Fall. I asked how he was. He said ‘ well… not so good’. With tear filled eyes he told me his sister passed away and he was going to the funeral tomorrow. She was 98. He is 94. He shared about his 10 siblings, all who lived well into their 80’s and 90’s, and their growing up years. He talked about what he thought contributed to longevity in his family. Things like nutrition, being physically active, and the ability to look on the brighter side of life – that’s where I paid close attention.  I appreciated his wisdom about  learning from all people and not being judgmental. After about 15 minutes, my dog was a little restless, so we departed. I was so glad I listened to my instinct and stopped to chat with this man again. I appreciated his bits of wisdom and I think he liked a listening ear. I hope you take time for an elder – even when it doesn’t seem convenient. Give yourself, and the other, a special gift. Blessings……..

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