
Posts Tagged ‘Free’

As you may have noticed, I like to give stuff away and keep things out of the landfill. In March, we were having our floors refinished and new wood added to the remaining part of the house. I had a fair bit of carpet that was being removed. As each room was emptied, I posted that piece of carpet on Free cycle and Kijiji. Surprisingly, all the carpet was picked up right away.  Here’s an article by ‘This Old House’  called ’10 Uses For Old Carpet‘. I just thought it was interesting.  I hope you consider giving stuff away and before sending to the landfill.


(This is a not my carpet…image from the internet)


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A while ago, as I was online looking for moving boxes, I came across the Freecycle website.   Freecycle is a grassroots and nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It’s all about reuse, recycle, and keeping good stuff out of landfills. The site is very well organized and monitored. Often, when I sort a clothes closet or declutter a room, I post items on Freecycle.  I have gifted items such as: an office chair; books; a chest of drawers; DVD s; a rain barrel; clothing; hunting gear; moving boxes; and computer hardware. I have kept many things out of the land fill. I have also acquired a few things. This is how it works in a nutshell: you post an “Offer” with a brief description of what you are offering; Freecycle members who are interested reply and you receive an email; you choose who to gift the item to; the person drives to your home and picks the item up (I put the item on my porch with a name on it). If you are looking for something in particular you create a ‘Wanted’ post. To sign up, go to http://www.freecycle.org/ to find your community. Have fun!

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